The lab is located at the north end of the basement in room B420 of the newly refurbished Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, located on Mathews Avenue in Urbana, directly across from the Transportation Building and on the beautiful banks of Boneyard Creek. Approximately 1500 square feet of high quality space is currently occupied by the lab.
Laboratory equipment in use in current research projects includes:
- Scanning Vibrometer system (Polytec PSV-400) with PSV-S-UNI-HM software and PSV-S-ImpGeo geometry import option.
- Scanning laser vibrometer with dedicated computer control and data acquisition systems (Polytec PSV-300-U).
- Polytec UHF-120 ultra high frequency vibrometer for micro and nanoscale system (bandwidth up to 1.2 GHz)
- LeCroy Wavepro 725Zi digital microscope (bandwidth up to 2.5 GHz, sampling rate of 40GS/s, 6 channels)
- Veeco Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) Dimension 3100, capable of scanning the topography of the specimen down to sub-nm scale by tapping mode and contact mode
- Function generator (Stanford Research Systems DS-340) with the frequency range of 1 Hz~15MHz, capable of providing a periodical signal in sinusoidal, step, ramped and arbitrary shapes
- Small vacuum chamber with UV-filtered viewport (3 cm in the diameter)
- Cylindrical stainless steel vacuum chamber with 6 ports (12 inch in the diameter, 13 inch in the height)
- Mechanical pump, molecular pump and ion pump for the vacuum system (down to ~10-9 Torr depending on the vacuum configuration)
- Four channel data acquisition and digital signal processing hardware, 20khz bandwidth, with 1 channel of integrated signal generation (Siglab 20-42 systems) (2).
- Eight channel data acquisition and digital signal processing hardware, 40khz bandwidth, with 2 output channels and integrated modal analysis and signal generation (m+p International VibPilot systems) (2).
- One Sound intensity probe with microphones and calibration device (Modal Shop Inc.)
- An HP 3569A 2 channel 20 kHz portable frequency analyzer
- A large variety of standard and miniature piezoelectric accelerometers, both uniaxial and triaxial (PCB).
- Piezoelectric force transducers (load cells) with a range of capacities up to 500 lbf (PCB).
- Modal tuned hammer kits of various load ratings (PCB) (4).
- Multi-channel ICP power supplies and amplifiers for use with the piezoelectric transducers (PCB) (4).
Single channel ICP power suppies and amplifiers (10).
Several electrodynamic vibration exciters (shakers) with capacities from 5 lbf to 100 lbf and strokes up to 2 in. peak-to-peak (Electro-Seis, LDS, MB Dynamics, VTS).
Power amplifiers matched to the shakers (Hafler, MB Dynamics, Tecron).
Instrumented hammers for exciting structures with transient loads (PCB) (3).
Bench-top analog computers for simulation and signal processing (3).
One-dimensional air track with a working length of 6 ft.(2).
Servo-motor driven programmable ball screw assembly with amplifier.
Electronic test equipment including a four-channel digital oscilloscope (Tektronix TDS410A, HP 54601A).
Various power supplies, amplifiers and filters suitable for bench scale experiments with smart materials.
- The Linear and Nonlinear Dynamics and Vibration Laboratory has access to a computational facility consisting of 16 GB RAM power in total. This computational facility is provided and maintained by the UIUC Engineering IT Virtual Machine Hosting service. The 16 GB RAM is dedicated to a single virtual machine as required by the Laboratory. Currently, this virtual machine operates with a 64-bit Windows 10 and is equipped with an Intel Xeon Processor Silver 4314 CPU @ 2.40GHz (4 processors) and a 249 GB data drive. This virtual machine is accessible by all the group members from any location using the Remote Desktop Connection application.