Publications: 2015-2020
Journal Publications
(*) Undergraduate student at the time of submission.
- Mode Complexity in a Harmonically Forced String with a Local Spring-Damper Attachment and Transition from Vibrations to Waves 2015, A. Blanchard, O. Gendelman, D.M. McFarland, L.A. Bergman, A.F. Vakakis, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 334, 282-295.
- Experimental Study of Nonlinear Acoustic Bands and Propagating Breathers in Ordered Granular Media Embedded in Matrix 2015, M.A. Hasan, S. Cho, K. Remick, A.F. Vakakis, D.M. McFarland, W.M. Kriven, Granular Matter, Vol. 17, 49–72, doi 10.1007/s10035-014-0536-y.
- Nonlinear Mixed Solitary – Shear Waves and Pulse Equi-Partition in a Granular Network 2015, Y. Zhang, M.A. Hasan, Y. Starosvetsky, D.M. McFarland, A.F. Vakakis, Physica D, Vol. 291, 45-61.
- Vibration Reduction in Unbalanced Hollow Rotor Systems with Nonlinear Energy Sinks 2015, C. Guo, M.A. Al-Shudeifat, A.F. Vakakis, L.A. Bergman, D.M. McFarland, J. Yan, Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 79, 527-538.
- Damping-Induced Interplay Between Vibrations and Waves in a Harmonically Forced, Linear Nondispersive Elastic Continuum with Asymmetrically Placed Local Attachments 2015, A. Blanchard, D.M. McFarland, L.A. Bergman, A.F. Vakakis, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A, Vol. 471, 20140402,
- Transient and Chaotic Low-Energy Transfers in a System with Bistable Nonlinearity 2015, F. Romeo, L.I. Manevitch, L.A. Bergman, A.F. Vakakis, Chaos, Vol. 25, 053109.
- Analytical Characterization of Damping in Gear Teeth Dynamics Under Hydrodynamic Conditions 2015, F.H. Liu, S. Theodossiades, L.A. Bergman, A.F. Vakakis, D.M. McFarland, Mechanism and Machine Theory (Short Communication), Vol. 94, 141-147.
- Influence of Backlash in Gear Reducer on the Dynamics of Single-link Manipulator Arm 2015, J.-W. Lu, X.-M. Sun, A.F. Vakakis, L.A. Bergman, Robotica, Vol. 33, No. 8, 1671-1685.
- Effects of Uncertainties on Pulse Attenuation in Dimer Granular Chains with and without Pre-compression 2015, M.A. Hasan, L. Pichler, Y. Starosvetsky, D.M. McFarland, A.F. Vakakis, Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics (Special issue in honor of Prof. Angelo Luongo, Nonlinearities, Bifurcation and Instabilities in Continuum Mechanics and Applied Sciences), Vol. 27, Nos. 4-5, 749-766.
- Methodology for Model Updating of Mechanical Components with Local Nonlinearities 2015, M. Kurt, M. Eriten, D.M. McFarland, L.A. Bergman, A.F. Vakakis, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 357, 331–348,
- Non-stationary Resonance Dynamics of a Nonlinear Sonic Vacuum with Grounding Supports 2015, I.P. Kikot, L.I. Manevitch, A.F. Vakakis, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 357, 349–364,
- Nonlinear Low- to High-Frequency Energy Cascades in Diatomic Granular Crystals 2015, E. Kim, R. Chaunsali, H. Xu, J. Jaworski, J.K. Yang, P. Kevrekidis, A.F. Vakakis, Physical Review E, Vol. 92, 062201, doi:; also arXiv:1505.05556v2 [cond-mat.soft],
- Mechanisms for Impulsive Energy Dissipation and Small Scale Effects in Micro-Granular Media 2015, J. Bunyan, A.F. Vakakis, S. Tawfick, Physical Review E, Vol. 92, 062206; also arXiv:1508.00771 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci],
- A Tip-Tilt-Piston Micromirror with Elastomeric Universal Joint Fabricated via Micromasonry 2015, Z. Yang, B. Jeong, A.F. Vakakis, S. Kim, IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems (JMEMS) Letter, Vol. 24, No. 2, 262-264, doi: 10.1109/JMEMS.2015.2405032.
- Nonlinear Resonances and Anti-resonances of a Forced Sonic Vacuum 2015, D. Pozharskiy, Y. Zhang, M.O. Williams, D.M. McFarland, P.G. Kevrekidis, A.F. Vakakis, I.G. Kevrekidis, Physical Review E, Vol. 92, 063203; also arXiv:1507.01025v1 [nlin.PS],
- Targeted Energy Transfers and Passive Acoustic Wave Redirection in a Two-dimensional Granular Network Under Periodic Excitation 2015, Y. Zhang, K.J. Moore, D.M. McFarland, A.F. Vakakis, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 118, 234901, doi: 10.1063/1.4937898.
- Global Complexity Effects Due to Local Damping in a Nonlinear System in 1:3 Internal Resonance 2016, M. Krack, L.A. Bergman, A.F. Vakakis, Archive of Applied Mechanics (Ingenieur Archiv), Vol. 86, 1083–1094, doi: 10.1007/s00419-015-1080-x.
- Shock Mitigation by Means of High-Frequency Nonlinear Targeted Energy Transfers in a Large-Scale Structure 2016, M.A. Al-Shudeifat, A.F. Vakakis, L.A. Bergman, Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 11, No. 2, 021006, doi: 10.1115/1.4030540.
- Nonlinear Localization, Passive Wave Arrest and Traveling Breathers in Two-Dimensional Granular Networks with Discontinuous Lateral Boundary Conditions 2016, M.A. Hasan, A.F. Vakakis, D.M. McFarland, Wave Motion, Vol. 60, 196-219,
- On the Efficacy of Friction Damping in the Presence of Nonlinear Modal Interactions 2016, M. Krack , L.A. Bergman, A.F. Vakakis, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 370, 209-220, doi:10.1016/j.jsv.2016.01.039.
- Utilizing Intentional Internal Resonance to Achieve Multi-harmonic Atomic Force Microscopy 2016, B. Jeong, C. Pettit, S. Dharmasena, H. Keum, J. Lee, J. Kim, S. Kim, D.M. McFarland, L.A. Bergman, A.F. Vakakis, H. Cho, Nanotechnology, Vol. 27, No. 12, 125501, doi: 10.1088/0957-4484/27/12/125501.
- Accelerating Oscillatory Fronts in a Nonlinear Sonic Vacuum with Strong Nonlocal Effects 2016, O.V. Gendelman, V. Zolotarevskiy, A.V. Savin, L.A. Bergman, A.F. Vakakis, Physical Review E, Vol. 93, 032216, doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.93.032216.
- Numerical and Experimental Investigation of a Rotating Nonlinear Energy Sink 2016, M.A. AL-Shudeifat, N.E. Wierschem, L.A. Bergman, A.F. Vakakis, Meccanica, doi: 10.1007/s11012-016-0422-2.
- High-Frequency Vibration Energy Harvesting from Impulsive Excitation utilizing Intentional Dynamic Instability Caused by Strong Nonlinearity 2016, K. Remick, D.D. Quinn, D.M. McFarland, L.A. Bergman, A.F. Vakakis, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 370, 259-279,
- Absorption of Resonant Vibrations in Tuned Nonlinear Jointed Structures 2016, M. Krack, L.A. Bergman, A.F. Vakakis, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Vol. 138, No. 2, 021001, doi: 10.1115/1.4032000.
- High-Frequency Vibration Energy Harvesting from Repeated Impulsive Forcing utilizing Intentional Dynamic Instability Caused by Strong Nonlinearity 2016, K. Remick, D.D. Quinn, D.M. McFarland, L.A. Bergman, A.F. Vakakis, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 1-20, doi: 10.1177/1045389X16649699.
- Nonlinear Scattering Phenomena at the Interface of a Granular Dimer Chain with an Elastic Dispersive Medium 2016, R. Potekin, D.M. McFarland, A.F. Vakakis, Granular Matter, Vol. 18, No. 3, 1-17, doi: 10.1007/s10035-016-0657-6.
- Experimental Study of Embedded and Non-embedded Ordered Granular Chains under Impulsive Excitation 2016, A. Avagyan (*), D. Chiao (*), N. Dostart (*), K. Zhu (*), S. Cho, K. Remick, A.F. Vakakis, D.M. McFarland, W. Kriven, Acta Mechanica, Vol. 227, 2511-2537, doi: 10.1007/s00707-016-1564-y.
- High-Frequency Dynamic Overshoot in Linear and Nonlinear Periodic Media 2017, Y. Zhang, A.F. Vakakis, Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 12, No. 1, 011012, doi: 10.1115/1.4034272.
- Targeted Energy Transfer and Modal Energy Redistribution in Automotive Drivetrains 2016, E. Motato, A. Haris, S. Theodossiades, M. Mohammadpour, H. Rahnejat, P. Kelly, A.F. Vakakis, D.M. McFarland, L.A. Bergman, Nonlinear Dynamics, doi: 10.1007/s11071-016-3034-4, Springer Nature:
- Non-reciprocal Acoustics and Dynamics in the In-Plane Oscillations of a Geometrically Nonlinear Lattice 2016, Z. Zhang, I. Koroleva, L.I. Manevitch, L.A. Bergman, A.F. Vakakis, Physical Review E, 002200, doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.00.002200.
- Capture into slow-invariant-manifold in the fluid-structure dynamics of a sprung cylinder with a nonlinear rotator, A.B. Blanchard, O.V. Gendelman, L.A. Bergman, A.F. Vakakis, Journal of Fluids and Structures, Vol. 63, 155-173,
- Nonlinear Model Updating Applied to the IMAC XXXII Round Robin Benchmark System 2016, M. Kurt, K.J. Moore, M. Eriten, D.M. McFarland, L.A. Bergman, A.F. Vakakis, Journal of Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 88, 111-122,
- Towards Understanding the Self-Adaptive Dynamics of a Harmonically Forced Beam with a Sliding Mass 2016, M. Krack, N. Aboulfotoh, J. Twiefel, J. Wallaschek, L.A. Bergman, A.F. Vakakis, Archive of Applied Mechanics, doi: 10.1007/s00419-016-1218-5.
- Motion Complexity in a Non-classically Damped System with Closely Spaced Modes: From Standing to Traveling Waves 2016, M. Krack, L.A. Bergman, A.F. Vakakis, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part K: Journal of Multi-body Dynamics, Vol. 230, No. 2, 178-190, doi: 10.1177/1464419315593431.
- Capture into Slow-Invariant-Manifold in the Fluid–Structure Dynamics of a Sprung Cylinder with a Nonlinear Rotator, 2016, A.B. Blanchard, O.V. Gendelman, L.A. Bergman, A.F. Vakakis, Journal of Fluids and Structures, Vol. 63, 155-173,
- Research on the Prediction of Door Opening by the Inertia Effect during a Side Impact Crash 2016, K. Kwak, S. Seo, R. Potekin, A. Blanchard, A.F. Vakakis, D.M. McFarland, L.A. Bergman, SAE Technical Paper 2016-01-1532, 2016, doi:10.4271/2016-01-1532.
- Response Attenuation in a Large-scale Structure Subjected to Blast Excitation Utilizing a System of Essentially Nonlinear Vibration Absorbers 2017, N.E. Wierschem, S.A. Hubbard, J. Luo, L.A. Fahnestock, B.F. Spencer, Jr., D.M. McFarland, D.D. Quinn, A.F. Vakakis, L.A. Bergman, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 389, 52–72,
- High-Frequency Dynamic Overshoot in Linear and Nonlinear Periodic Media 2017, Y. Zhang, A.F. Vakakis, Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 12, No. 1, 011012, doi: 10.1115/1.4034272.
- Targeted Energy Transfer and Modal Energy Redistribution in Automotive Drivetrains 2017, E. Motato, A. Haris, S. Theodossiades, M. Mohammadpour, H. Rahnejat, P. Kelly, A.F. Vakakis, D.M. McFarland, L.A. Bergman, Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 87, 169-190, doi: 10.1007/s11071-016-3034-4, Springer Nature:
- Numerical and Experimental Investigation of a Rotating Nonlinear Energy Sink 2017, M.A. AL-Shudeifat, N.E. Wierschem, L.A. Bergman, A.F. Vakakis, Meccanica, Vol. 52, 763–779, doi: 10.1007/s11012-016-0422-2.
- Cantilever Dynamics in Higher-Harmonic AFM for Enhanced Material Characterization 2017, R. Potekin, S. Dharmasena, H. Cho, D.M. McFarland, L.A. Bergman, A.F. Vakakis, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 110-111, 332-339,
- Methodology for Nonlinear Quantification of a Flexible Beam with a Local, Strong Nonlinearity 2017, C.A. Herrera, D.M. McFarland, L.A. Bergman, A.F. Vakakis, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 388, 298-314,
- Experimental Study of Nonlinear Resonances and Anti-resonances in a Forced Ordered Granular Chain 2017, Y. Zhang, D. Pozharskiy, D.M. McFarland, P.G. Kevrekidis, I.G. Kevrekidis, A.F. Vakakis, Experimental Mechanics, Vol. 57, 505-520, doi: 10.1007/s11340-016-0231-5; also arXiv: 1606.09305 [math.DS],
- Targeted Energy Transfer in Laminar Vortex-induced Vibration of a Spung Cylinder with an Internal Nonlinear Dissipative Rotator 2017, A. Blanchard, L.A. Bergman, A.F. Vakakis, Physica D, Vol. 350, 26-44,
- Breaking Lorentz Reciprocity to Overcome the Time-Bandwidth Limit in Physics and Engineering 2017, K.L. Tsakmakidis, L. Shen, S.A. Schulz, X. Zheng, J. Upham, X. Deng, H. Altug, A.F. Vakakis, R. W. Boyd, Science, 23 June 2017, Vol. 356, Issue 6344, 1260-1264, doi: 10.1126/science.aam6662.
- Passive Suppression Mechanisms in Laminar Vortex-Induced Vibrations of a Sprung Cylinder with a Strongly Nonlinear, Dissipative Internal Oscillator 2017, A. Blanchard, L.A. Bergman, A.F. Vakakis, Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 84, 081003, doi: 10.1115/1.4036942.
- A Study on Torsional Vibration Attenuation in Automotive Drivetrains Using Absorbers with Smooth and Non-smooth Nonlinearities 2017, A. Haris, E. Motato, S. Theodossiades, H. Rahnejat, P. Kelly, A.F. Vakakis, L.A. Bergman, D.M. McFarland, Applied Mathematical Modeling, Vol. 46, 674-690,
- Propagating Discrete Breathers in Forced One-dimensional Granular Networks: Theory and Experiment 2017, Y. Zhang, D.M. McFarland, A.F. Vakakis, Granular Matter, Vol. 19, 59, doi: 10.1007/s10035-017-0746-1.
- Separation of Traveling and Standing Waves in a Rigid Circular Duct Containing an Intermediate Impedance Discontinuity 2017, Y. Xiao, A. Blanchard, Y. Zhang, H. Lu, D.M. McFarland, A.F. Vakakis, L.A. Bergman, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Vol. 139, No. 6, 061001, doi: 10.1115/1.4036866.
- Intermediate Reynolds Number Flow past a Sprung Circular Cylinder with an Internal Nonlinear Rotational Dissipative Element 2017, R.K.R. Tumkur, A. Blanchard, A.J. Pearlstein, A. Masud, O.V. Gendelman, L.A. Bergman, A.F. Vakakis, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 828, 196-235,
- Nonlinear System Identification of Mechanical Interfaces Based on Primary Wave Scattering, 2017, K.J. Moore, M. Kurt, M. Eriten, J.C. Dodson, J.R. Foley, J.C. Wolfson, D.M. McFarland, L.A. Bergman, A.F. Vakakis. Experimental Mechanics, Vol. 57, No. 9, 1495-1508.
- Non-Reciprocity in Nonlinear Elastodynamics 2017, A. Blanchard, A.F. Vakakis, T. Sapsis, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 412, 326-335,
- Separation of Traveling and Standing Waves in a Finite Dispersive String with Partial or Continuous Viscoelastic Foundation 2017, X. Cheng, H. Lu, A. Blanchard, D.M. McFarland, A.F. Vakakis, L.A. Bergman, C.A. Tan, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 411, 193-209, doi:
- Vibration Energy Harvesting from Impulsive Excitations via a Bistable Nonlinear Attachment 2017, S. Chiacchiari, F. Romeo, D.M. McFarland, L.A. Bergman, A.F. Vakakis, International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics (Volume in honor of the 70th Birthday of Prof. Giuseppe Rega and Prof. Fabrizio Vestroni), Vol. 94, 84-97,
- On the Effect of Multiple Parallel Nonlinear Absorbers in Palliation of Torsional Response of Automotive Drivetrain 2017, A. Haris, E. Motato, M. Mohammadpour, S. Theodossiades, H. Rahnejat, M. O’ Mahony, A.F. Vakakis, L.A. Bergman, D.M. McFarland,International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics, Vol. 96, 22-35,
- Wavelet-Bounded Empirical Mode Decomposition for Measured Time Series Analysis 2018, K.J. Moore, M. Kurt, M. Eriten, D.M. McFarland, L.A. Bergman, A.F. Vakakis, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 99, 14-29,
- Extreme Nonlinear Energy Exchanges in a Geometrically Nonlinear Lattice Oscillating in the Plane 2018, Z. Zhang, L.I. Manevitch, V. Smirnov, L.A. Bergman, A.F. Vakakis, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol. 110, 1-20,
- A Spring-Mass System with Elastomeric Beams and Stretchable Interconnects 2018, Z. Yang, R. Potekin, A.F. Vakakis, S. Kim, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Special issue on Soft Robotics and Smart System Technologies, Vol. 28, 014003,
- Non-Reciprocity in the Dynamics of Coupled Oscillators with Nonlinearity, Asymmetry and Scale Hierarchy 2018, K. Moore, J. Bunyan, S. Tawfick, O.V. Gendelman, S. Li, M.J. Leamy, A.F. Vakakis, Physical Review E, Vol. 97, No. 1, 012219, doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.97.012219.
- Inducing a Non-reflective Airborne Discontinuity in a Circular Duct by Using a Non-resonant Side Branch to Create Mode Complexity 2018, Y. Xiao, H. Lu, D.M. McFarland, A.F. Vakakis, L.A. Bergman, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 143, No. 2, 746-755,
- Multi-frequency Atomic Force Microscopy Based on Enhanced Internal Resonance of an Inner-Paddled Cantilever 2018, R. Potekin, S. Dharmasena, H. Keum, S. Kim, L.A. Bergman, A.F. Vakakis, H. Cho, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, Vol. 273, 206-220,
- Acoustic Non-reciprocity in a Lattice Incorporating Nonlinearity, Asymmetry and Internal Scale Hierarchy: Experimental Study 2018, J. Bunyan, K.J. Moore, A. Mojahed, M.D. Fronk, S. Tawfick, M.J. Leamy, A.F. Vakakis, Physical Review E, Vol. 97, 052211, doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.97.052211.
- A Micromechanical Mass Sensing Method Based on Amplitude Tracking within an Ultra-Wide Broadband Resonance 2018, R. Potekin, S. Kim, D.M. McFarland, L.A. Bergman, H. Cho, A.F. Vakakis, Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 92, No. 2, 287-304,
- Wavelet-Bounded Empirical Mode Decomposition for Vibro-Impact Analysis 2018, K.J. Moore, M. Kurt, M. Eriten, D.M. McFarland, L.A. Bergman, A.F. Vakakis, Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 93, No. 3, 1559-1577,
- Periodically Forced Nonlinear Oscillatory Acoustic Vacuum 2018, M. Agaoglou, M. Feckan, M. Pospisil, V. Rothos, A.F. Vakakis, Axioms, Vol. 7, 69, doi: 10.3390/axioms7040069.
- Strong Geometric Softening-Hardening Nonlinearities in an Oscillator Composed of Linear Stiffness and Damping Elements 2018, A. Mojahed, K. Moore, L.A. Bergman, A.F. Vakakis, International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics, Vol. 107, 94-111.
- Acoustic Diode: Wave Non-reciprocity in Nonlinearly Coupled Waveguides 2018, I. Grinberg, O.V. Gendelman, A.F. Vakakis, Wave Motion, Vol. 83, 49-66.
- Wave Non-Reciprocity at a Nonlinear Structural Interface 2018, K.J. Moore, A.F. Vakakis, Acta Mechanica, Vol. 229, No. 10, 4057-4070.
- Ultimate Decoupling between Surface Topography and Material Functionality in Atomic Force Microscopy Using an Inner-paddled Cantilever 2018, S. Dharmasena, Z. Yang, S. Kim, L.A. Bergman, A.F. Vakakis, H. Cho, ACS Nano, Vol. 12, No. 6, 5559-5569.
- Exact Steady States of the Periodically Forced and Damped Duffing Oscillator 2018, A.F. Vakakis, A. Blanchard, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 413, 57-65.
- Realization of a Traveling Wave Mode in Ducts with Uniform Mean Flow by Intentional Acoustic Mode Complexity 2019, Y. Xiao, H. Lu, D. Zhou, D.M. McFarland, A.F. Vakakis, L.A. Bergman, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 145, No. 5, 3048-3057,
- Direct Detection of Nonlinear Modal Interactions from Time Series Measurements 2019, K.J. Moore, M. Kurt, M. Eriten, D.M. McFarland, L.A. Bergman, A.F. Vakakis, Journal of Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Special Issue on Exploring Nonlinear Benefits in Engineering, Vol. 125, 311-329,
- Vibration Energy Harvesting from Impulsive Excitations via a Bistable Nonlinear Attachment – Experimental Study 2019, S. Chiacchiari, F. Romeo, D.M. McFarland, L.A. Bergman, A.F. Vakakis, Journal of Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 125, 185-201,
- A New Way to Introduce Geometrically Nonlinear Stiffness and Damping with an Application to Vibration Suppression 2019, Y. Liu, A. Mojahed, L.A. Bergman, A.F. Vakakis. Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 96, No. 3, 1819-1845,
- Coexistence of Multiple Long-Time Solutions for Two-Dimensional Laminar Flow past a Linearly-Sprung Circular Cylinder with a Dynamically Nonlinear Internal Attachment 2019, A.B. Blanchard, L.A. Bergman, A.F. Vakakis, A.J. Pearlstein, Physical Review Fluids, Vol. 4, No. 5, 054401,
- Acoustic Non-reciprocity in a Lattice Incorporating Nonlinearity, Asymmetry and Internal Scale Hierarchy: Computational Study 2019, M.D. Fronk, S. Tawfick, C. Daraio, S. Li, A.F. Vakakis, M.J. Leamy, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Vol. 141, 051011, doi: 10.1115/1.4043783.
- Broadband Passive Nonlinear Acoustic Diode 2019, A. Darabi, L. Fang, A. Mojahed, M.D. Fronk, M.J. Leamy, A.F. Vakakis, Physical Review B, Vol. 99, No. 21, 214305, doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.00.004300.
- Breather Arrest, Localization and Acoustic Non-reciprocity in Dissipative Nonlinear Lattices 2019, A. Mojahed, O.V. Gendelman, A.F. Vakakis. Journal of Acoustical Society of America (Special Issue on Non-reciprocal and Topological Wave Phenomena in Acoustics), Vol. 146, No.1, 826-842,
- Rotary-Oscillatory Nonlinear Energy Sink of Robust Performance 2019, A.S. Saeed, M.A. Al-Shudeifat, A.F. Vakakis. International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics, Vol. 117, 103249,
- Tunable Acoustic Nonreciprocity in Strongly Nonlinear Waveguides with Asymmetry 2019, A. Mojahed, J. Bunyan, S. Tawfick, A.F. Vakakis. Physical Review Applied, Vol. 12, 034033, doi: 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.12.034033.
- Co-existing Complexity-induced Traveling Wave Transmission and Vibration Localization in Euler-Bernoulli Beams 2019, X. Cheng, L.A. Bergman, D.M. McFarland, C.A. Tan, A.F. Vakakis, H. Lu. Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 458, 22-43,
- Local Nonlinear Stores Inducing Global Effects in the Dynamics of an Experimental Model Plane 2019. K.J. Moore, A. Mojahed, L.A. Bergman, A.F. Vakakis. AIAA Journal, 57, No. 11, 4953-4965
- Nonlinear Wave Scattering at the Interface of Granular Dimer Chains and an Elastically Supported Membrane 2020, Q. Zhang, R. Potekin, W. Li, A.F. Vakakis, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 182-183, 46-63,
- Pulse Transmission and Acoustic Non-reciprocity in a Granular Channel with Symmetry-Breaking Clearances2020. Q. Zhang, W. Li, J. Lambros, L.A. Bergman, A.F. Vakakis, Granular Matter, Vol. 22, No. 20,
- Ultra-broadband Microresonators with Geometrically Nonlinear Stiffness and Dissipation2020. Q. Zhang, W. Li, J. Lambros, L.A. Bergman, A.F. Vakakis, Granular Matter, Vol. 22, No. 20, <a Ultra-broadband Microresonators with Geometrically Nonlinear Stiffness and Dissipation 2020. R. Potekin, S. Peshin, J. Yeom, S. Kim, L.A. Bergman, A.F. Vakakis, H. Cho, Physical Review Applied, Vol. 13, 014011, doi: 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.13.014011.
- Irreversible Energy Transfer, Localization and Non-reciprocity in Weakly Coupled, Nonlinear Lattices with Asymmetry2020. C. Wang, S. Tawfick, A.F. Vakakis, Physica D, Vol. 402, No. 15, 132229, https://
- Vortex-Induced Vibration of a Linearly Sprung Cylinder with an Internal Rotational Nonlinear Energy Sink in Turbulent Flow2020. A. Blanchard, L.A. Bergman, A.F. Vakakis. Nonlinear Dynamics (Special Issue in Memory of Professor Ali H. Nayfeh), Vol. 99, 593-609,
- Certain Aspects of the Acoustics of a Strongly Nonlinear Discrete Lattice2020. A. Mojahed, A.F. Vakakis, Nonlinear Dynamics (Special Issue in Memory of Professor Ali H. Nayfeh), Vol. 99, 643-659,
- Rotary Impact Nonlinear Energy Sink for Shock Mitigation: Analytical and Numerical Investigations2020. A.S. Saeed, M.A. AL-Shudeifat, A.F. Vakakis, W.J. Cantwell, Archive of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 90, 495-521,
- Broadband Non-reciprocity with Robust Signal Integrity in a Triangle-Shaped Nonlinear 1D Metamaterial 2020. L. Fang, A. Darabi, A. Mojahed, A.F. Vakakis, M.J. Leamy, Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 100, 1-13,
- Energy Transmission by Impact in a System of Two Discrete Oscillators 2020. T. Huang, D.M. McFarland, A.F. Vakakis, O.V. Gendelman, L.A. Bergman, H. Lu, Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 100, 135-145,
- Vibration Suppression and Modal Energy Transfers in a Linear Beam with Attached Vibro-impact Nonlinear Energy Sinks 2020. B. Fang, T. Theurich, M. Krack, L.A. Bergman, A.F. Vakakis, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Vol. 91, 105415,
- Experimental Landau-Zener Tunneling (LZT) for Wave Redirection in Nonlinear Waveguides Waveguides 2020. C. Wang, A. Kanj, A. Mojahed, S. Tawfick, A.F. Vakakis, Physical Review Applied, Vol. 14, 034053,
- Rapid Non-resonant Intermodal Targeted Energy Transfer (IMTET) due to Vibro-impact Nonlinearity 2020. M. Gzal, B. Fang, A.F. Vakakis, L.A. Bergman, O.V. Gendelman, Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 101, 2087–2106
- A Nonlinear Reduced-Order Model of Corpus Callosum Under Coronal Excitation 2020. A. Mojahed, J. Abderezaei, M. Kurt, L.A. Bergman, A.F. Vakakis, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Vol. 142, No. 9, 091009 (8 pages), Paper No. BIO-19-1353,
- Effects of Nonlinear Stores on the Dynamics of a Computational Model Airplane2020. J.D.E. Dalisay, K.J. Moore, L.A. Bergman, A.F. Vakakis, AIAA Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 57, No. 5, 938 – 957,
- Simulating Offset Blast Loads Experimentally Using Shake-Table-Generated Ground Motions: Method Development and Validation N.E. Wierschem, J. Luo, J. Wilcoski, S.A. Hubbard, L.A. Fahnestock, B.F. Spencer Jr., D.M. McFarland, D.D. Quinn, A.F. Vakakis, L.A. Bergman, Journal of Structural Control and Health Monitoring, Vol 27, No.2 : e2480
Invited, Review and Tutorial Papers
- Traveling and Solitary Waves in Monodisperse and Dimer Granular Chains 2017, Y. Starosvetsky, K.R. Jayaprakash, A.F. Vakakis. Invited review paper, International Journal of Modern Physics B, Vol. 31, No. 10, 1742001, doi: 10.1142/S0217979217420012.
- Intentional Utilization of Strong Nonlinearity in Structural Dynamics 2017, A.F. Vakakis. Procedia Engineering, X International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2017, Vol. 199, 70-77, doi: 10.1016/j.proeng.2017.09.155.
- Passive Nonlinear Targeted Energy Transfer 2018, A.F. Vakakis. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, Theme Issue onNonlinear Energy Transfer in Dynamical and Acoustical Systems (O.V. Gendelman and A.F. Vakakis Eds.), Vol. 376, 20170132,
Chapters or Articles in Books
- Intentional Nonlinearity for Design of Micro/Nanomechanical Resonators, H. Cho, L.A. Bergman, M.-F. Yu, A.F. Vakakis. Contributed chapter in Nanocantilever Beams Modeling, Fabrication and Applications, M. Zaghloul and I. Voiculescu (eds.), Pan Stanford Publishing Pte. Ltd, ISBN 978-981-4613-23-1 (Hardcover), 978-981-4613-24-8 (eBook), 2015.
- Elements of a Nonlinear System Identification Methodology of Broad Applicability and Application to Bolted Joints, K.J. Moore, M. Kurt, M. Eriten, D.M. McFarland, L.A. Bergman, A.F. Vakakis. Contributed chapter in The Mechanics of Jointed Structures, Recent Research and Open Challenges for Developing Predictive Models for Structural Dynamics, M.R.W. Brake (ed.), Springer Verlag, Berlin and New York, ISBN: 978-3-319-56816-4 (Print), 978-3-319-56818-8 (Online), 2018.
- Advanced Nonlinear System Identification for Modal Interactions in Nonlinear Structures: A Review, K.J. Moore, A. Mojahed, M. Kurt, M. Eriten, D.M. McFarland, L.A. Bergman, A.F. Vakakis. Contributed chapter in Jubilee book for Prof. Leonid Issacovich Manevich, Problems of Nonlinear Mechanics and Physics of Materials, I. Andrianov, O. Gendelman, A. Manevich, Y. Mikhlin, (eds.), Series on Advanced Structured Materials, Springer International Publishing, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-92234-8, ISBN: 978-3-319-92233-1, 2019.
Research Monographs and Books Edited
- Topics on the Nonlinear Dynamics and Acoustics of Ordered Granular Media, Y. Starosvetsky, K.R. Jayaprakash, M.A. Hasan, A.F. Vakakis, World Scientific Press, March 2017, 621 pp., ISBN 978-981-3221-93-2.
- Topics on the Nonlinear Dynamics and Acoustics of Ordered Granular Media, Y. Starosvetsky, K.R. Jayaprakash, M.A. Hasan, A.F. Vakakis, World Scientific Press, March 2017, 621 pp., ISBN 978-981-3221-93-2.