New! You can watch a Nonlinear Dynamics Webinar delivered by Prof. A. Vakakis on 27 Sept. 2023, titled “Passive vibration energy management through intentional nonlinearity” by following the link: https://cassyni.com/events/RHJjfE4atnTo7qxiCRcfBB?utm_campaign=event-starting-soon&utm_medium=email
The Linear and Nonlinear Dynamics and Vibrations Laboratory (LNDVL) at the University of Illinois was formed as the result of a merger, in 1998, of Dr. Alexander Vakakis’s and Dr. Lawrence A. Bergman’s own laboratories. With the addition of Dr. Michael McFarland to the group, and with the assistance of the Departments of Mechanical Science and Engineering (MechSE) and Aerospace Engineering, the College of Engineering, support from federal and industrial sponsors, and numerous graduate and undergraduate students the Laboratory has evolved to its present state.
Current research thrusts include the implementation of passive nonlinear targeted energy transfer for aeroelastic instability (flutter) suppression, vortex-induced vibration suppression, seismic mitigation, blast protection, and vibration/shock isolation of mechanical and structural components; dynamics of non-smooth dynamical systems, with emphasis to vibro-impacting systems and systems with friction; nonlinear system identification and reduced order modeling; structural health monitoring and damage detection; essentially nonlinear structural acoustics of granular media; strongly nonlinear micro- and nano-resonators; nonlinear vibration energy harvesting; and theoretical studies of dynamical systems and bifurcations in higher dimensional settings.